My first observance of a dragonfly was on my grandfather’s farm in Louisiana. They would land on the fence around the chicken coop and my cousin and I would try to catch them. They were strange and wonderful creatures and I wished I could capture one and bring it home. They came in so many beautiful colors and were all different sizes, I knew then that they were a special talisman for me.

This brings me to the reason why I chose a dragonfly for my company logo… because they symbolize change and transformation. My journey of becoming a Certified Health Coach and writing a book, was truly transformational for me. By deciding to change to a plant-based diet made a huge improvement in my health, body and mindset; and to know this change was not only healing me, but also my family, friends, the animals, and the planet gave me such joy knowing I could make a difference!

When we make positive changes that improve our lives, we are transformed forever. We are always influx, always changing and always adapting. During our own transformation, we are able to be the light guiding others to do the same. Everyone wants to be healthy and happy, we just need some direction and knowledge as to how to move forward.

The dragonfly is so special for me and my own transformative journey. It hasn’t always been easy, but I wanted health more than anything else. We all have the choice to either take medication or eat a plant-based diet, I choose the latter. Organic fruit and vegetables are my medicine, that’s my choice and how I will stay healthy. My health journey has been an ongoing process which will continue for my entire life, that’s why I want to help others to make positive changes in their lives as well.

The dragonfly symbolizes the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life, and it also symbolizes change and light. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it may remind you to bring a bit more lightness and joy into your life.

“Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.” ~Robyn Nola

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Mission Statement

“Our mission is to promote health and wellness especially among teens, young adults and adults. It is our passion to make a difference in people's lives by giving them the knowledge and tools they need to make healthier lifestyle choices. By practicing the 7 Simple Steps, you will learn to "fit out," eat healthy, exercise, volunteer, improve your sleep, be grateful, and practice sustainability. It doesn't matter your age or gender, being healthy is an achievable target that anyone can attain."